Tuesday, October 12, 2010

We're Almost There

Our baby boy is due in two days and we are as ready as we can be. The nursery is fully furnished, all of our family and friends have given us much appreciated swag, and I think my belly can officially not grow any larger without making me dangerously off-balance. The past 39 weeks and 5 days have been an interesting journey. Watching my body morph into the form it is currently taking and knowing that allthe energy I have is being put into creating our baby has really made Kyle and I realize how amazing life is. We can't wait to meet our sweet baby and share our love with a new life. Date night tonight, then you can come at any time :)

6ish Week Belly
Almost 40 Week Belly

Baby's Robot Room

Almost Fully Cooked Baby

Wedding Photos!

Check out all of our wedding photos. I can't stop looking at them and remembering what a perfect day we had. We feel very lucky to have such an amazing friend and photographer, Lindsay Levita. Just click the link below, sign the guest book (real or fake name, I don't care) and you're in :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Spoiled Rotten Robot Baby

I'm seven and a half months pregnant now and feeling larger than life. I shouldn't complain because I actually feel good overall, just more tired than usual. I'm really happy I have a lot of family picking up my slack. From Grandmas scouring craigslist and garage sales for deals on baby stuff to aunts and uncles already spoiling our kid rotten, we have a lot of help. And we REALLY appreciate it.

Anna and Frank recently sent us a care package with a very appropriate toddler t-shirt. And, we furnished our nursery (work in progress...) all with stuff Grandma found on Craigslist. For our contribution, Kyle and I (mostly Kyle) have been painting robots for the baby's room. Can't wait to get it all put together - we don't have that much time left!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson

Our wedding turned out perfectly. The weather ended up being beautiful. We were surrounded by close family and a couple of very close friends. It wasn't a big production, just a small celebration of our love. It was everything I ever wanted, except Elvis didn't officiate :)

I am so happy with the way everything turned out and I am so thankful for all of the awesome people that helped us. It's hard to keep a pregnant bride sane, but some very special friends and family helped keep me cool and made our wedding smooth sailing.

The wedding is over now, but I know life with Kyle will be amazing. I couldn't be happier to be Mrs. Johnson.

The photo above was taken by our really good friend and wedding photographer Lindsay Levita - more to follow soon!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Today is the day!

We are getting married today... in about 18 hours. On a boat. 80% chance of thunderstorms all day long. I'm stressed, but excited. Praying for good weather.

No matter what craziness our wedding day holds, I know it will be the best day of my life. It will be the day our families come together and we start our own family, our own happily ever after.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

We are getting married... in less than a month!!

It's official, Kyle and I are getting married this summer! We are having a very small wedding on one of the St. Charles Paddlewheel Riverboats on the Fox River.

With less than a month to plan the whole shindig, we have a lot to do, but we have a lot of amazing friends who are helping us make our day special. Dana Cullum, a good friend and Chicago-based graphic designer put together our wedding invitations in less than a week. They are perfect. Everything we wanted. Now that we have the invitations, there's no backing out :)

Check out Dana's portfolio at danacullum.com.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Baby's First Clothes

Self-indulgent? Perhaps. I figure we probably can't dress him in 'I love Mommy' shirts for very long. We are going to take full advantage while we can :)