Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mr. and Mrs. Johnson

Our wedding turned out perfectly. The weather ended up being beautiful. We were surrounded by close family and a couple of very close friends. It wasn't a big production, just a small celebration of our love. It was everything I ever wanted, except Elvis didn't officiate :)

I am so happy with the way everything turned out and I am so thankful for all of the awesome people that helped us. It's hard to keep a pregnant bride sane, but some very special friends and family helped keep me cool and made our wedding smooth sailing.

The wedding is over now, but I know life with Kyle will be amazing. I couldn't be happier to be Mrs. Johnson.

The photo above was taken by our really good friend and wedding photographer Lindsay Levita - more to follow soon!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see the pictures! Congrats to you both! :)
