Thursday, August 5, 2010

Spoiled Rotten Robot Baby

I'm seven and a half months pregnant now and feeling larger than life. I shouldn't complain because I actually feel good overall, just more tired than usual. I'm really happy I have a lot of family picking up my slack. From Grandmas scouring craigslist and garage sales for deals on baby stuff to aunts and uncles already spoiling our kid rotten, we have a lot of help. And we REALLY appreciate it.

Anna and Frank recently sent us a care package with a very appropriate toddler t-shirt. And, we furnished our nursery (work in progress...) all with stuff Grandma found on Craigslist. For our contribution, Kyle and I (mostly Kyle) have been painting robots for the baby's room. Can't wait to get it all put together - we don't have that much time left!